Friday, December 18, 2015

Run 722 2015-12-20

722회 친선 건강걷기 모임”

The 722nd Ulsan Hash leaves from outside Seobu Foreigner’s Compound clubhouse at 11.00 AM on Sunday 20 Dec 2015.
장소 : 외국인사택 (클럽하우스) 현대중공업 프랜트 정문앞
출발일시 : 2015-12-20일(일요일) 오전11

Please arrive early enough to register with Hash Cash.
여유있게 도착 하시여 점심 식사비를 등록하여 주시면 감사 하겠습니다.

The Hash trails will be set by the Hare(s) “Not A Clue & Obi Wan".

Soft drinks and beer provided by the Ulsan Hash.
Food will be provided by “TBC”.

“On On”
Harriers 10,000 Won adults / Horrors 5,000 Won children
어른 : 10,000 원 / 어린이 5,000원

Receding Hareline: 3 Jan (Fifteen Laps & Mr Fancy Fungus), 17 Jan (Peeping Tom & TBC), 31 Jan (TBC)
Contact: or