Here's to the
<hares/virgins/visitors/sinners/new names>, they're true blue
They are Hashers through and
They're all pisspots, so we
They tried to go to heaven
but they went the other way!
Drink it down, down, down,
Down, down, down, down.
Drink it down, down, down,
Down, down, down, down.
Farewell Song
Melody - Auld Lang Syne
We bid farewell to ______,
To hash in other lands,
We bid farewell to ______,
To hash in other lands.
May all your trails end with beer,
And all your songs have cheer,
We bid farewell to ______,
Now here is one more beer.
Drinking down, down, down,
Down, down, down, down,
Down-down, down, down, down, down, down,
Down, down, down, down.
Down, down, down, down,
Down-down, down, down, down, down, down.
To hash in other lands,
We bid farewell to ______,
To hash in other lands.
May all your trails end with beer,
And all your songs have cheer,
We bid farewell to ______,
Now here is one more beer.
Drinking down, down, down,
Down, down, down, down,
Down-down, down, down, down, down, down,
Down, down, down, down.
Down, down, down, down,
Down-down, down, down, down, down, down.
You are our ______
Melody - You Are My Sunshine
Contributed by Slimie Limie, Kobe HHH, Japan
You are our _______, our only ______,
You make us happy when skies are bleak.
You'll never know ______, how much we like you,
Please keep coming to Hash ev'ry week.
Drink it down, down, down . . .
The Autohash song
- Oh Lord, Won't You Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz
Words by Flying Booger
(International version)
Dear Lord, won't you give me a ride to the beer,
My friends are all drinking, and I'm stuck out here,
I'll ride in a lorry, rickshaw, or tuk tuk,
If you drive me there I'll throw in a down, down, down, down . . .
Words by Flying Booger
(International version)
Dear Lord, won't you give me a ride to the beer,
My friends are all drinking, and I'm stuck out here,
I'll ride in a lorry, rickshaw, or tuk tuk,
If you drive me there I'll throw in a down, down, down, down . . .
Birthday song
Melody - Here's to _____, He's True Blue
Composed by Flying Booger for Scratch 'n' Sniff's 30th
Here's to (name), she's/he's true blue,
It's her/his birthday, boo hoo hoo,
She/he is (age) if she's /he's a day,
Wishes she were younger,
But there's no other way!
Composed by Flying Booger for Scratch 'n' Sniff's 30th
Here's to (name), she's/he's true blue,
It's her/his birthday, boo hoo hoo,
She/he is (age) if she's /he's a day,
Wishes she were younger,
But there's no other way!
Drink it down, down, down . .